Monthly Archives: August 2015

Verisure support for Home Assistant

Home Assistant has now support for Verisure and modern TP-Link routers. Read the full announcement in the Home Assistant blog....

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ESP8266 Development boards

To play around I bought a couple of ESP8266 boards over the past few months. They are cheap (starting from 2 USD, perhaps even cheaper…) and come in various form and shapes. Of course my first one was a ESP8266-01 … Continue reading &rar...

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Alpine Linux 3.2.3 released

The Alpine Linux Project is pleased to announce Alpine Linux 3.2.3. This is a bugfix release of the v3.2 musl based branch. This release is based on the 3.18.20 kernel which has some critical security fixes. See the full announcement … Continu...

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MQTT support for Home Assistant

The dev branch of Home Assistant has now MQTT support. This means that Home Assistant is capable to subscribe and publish MQTT messages. I guess that more MQTT related features are coming soon… My initial implementation was enhanced by Paulus &...

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