Monthly Archives: March 2015

Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2015

CLT 2015 is over…actually the event is over for a while now. What to tell about this issue of the Chemnitzer Linux Tage. Fedora was there with a booth and a 3D printer. As usual there were the same guys … Continue reading →...

Posted in Fedora, Fedora Events | Leave a comment

Alpine Linux 3.1.3 released

The Alpine Linux Project is pleased to announce Alpine Linux 3.1.3. This is a bugfix release of the v3.1 musl based branch. This release is based on the 3.14.36 kernel which has some critical security fixes. See the full announcement … Continu...

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Gimp Toolboxes

Reset the tool boxes of Gimp, just go to Preferences -> Windows Management and “Reset Saved Window Positions to Default Values” Easy, if you know where to look. Thanks to this blog post I hope to remember next time....

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Schnäppchen, blöd gelaufen

Da wird wohl nur zuschlagen, wer blöd ist…...

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Fedora Security Spin

The next release of Fedora and the Fedora Security Lab (aka Security Spin) is just around the corner. Time for some testing…we would appreciate if you give the Security Lab a spin, perform the test cases, and report the result. … Continu...

Posted in Fedora Security Lab, Security | Leave a comment

mosquitto 1.4

Now mosquitto has websockets support…the lastest release is available for a couple of weeks. But there is no new package for Fedora. Well, websockets support introduces new dependencies which are not available right now. As soon libwebsockets i...

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